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Don Mal

Co-Founder & Chairman, Fluence Technologies, Board Member & Tech Investor


  • Building High Performance Teams / Cultures
  • Scaling Operations
  • Global Expansion

Don Mal

Don is currently Co-Founder and Chairman of Fluence Technologies. As Co-Founder and former CEO of Vena Solutions, Don led the startup’s growth to over 300 employees and 700 clients worldwide. Spending over 30 years as an executive in B2B software sales and marketing has allowed him to shape his own style as a leader; one that champions empathy and the importance of EQ along with IQ.

Don’s ambitions extend to golf and music, Co-Founding Wildfire from an idea to an award-winning Canadian golf course, and signing with a record label as a young singer and guitarist. Don holds an MBA from the Rotman School of Management.

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